LIP, LEGALINKS Interview Phase together with Oana Dodu from Romania!

Ms. Oana Dodu is a colleague from Romania who jumped into the LEGALINKS Network's adventures without hesitating. She was the first member to join the LIP, LEGALINKS Interview Phase, sharing her academic and working experiences, areas of interests and expectations about the LEGALINKS future.
She was recently working as a data protection officer in Poland for the Frontex European Border and Coast Guard Agency. Her interest for the EU Law was born at the university, as she has got a Bachelor Degree in Law in Romania and two different Master Degrees about EU affairs in France. Her collaboration with the Centre of Legal Resources in Romania allowed her to get experience in developing advocacy and policy campaigning efforts but also in coordinating strategic litigation efforts for vulnerable groups, such as people woth disabilities. 

She is also very interested about the digital transition and the legal issues related to artificial intelligence. 



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