International women day! Every day let's claim for your rights!
Ana is an activist, working as a lawyer and with a wide political and academic experience in Mexico and worldwide. She is part of several movements and supporting different mission. She is one of most active LEGALINKS member and we are very proud of sharing time, initiatives, thoughts with her.
Today and every day she believes that:
"The judicial fight for our rights allows us to be able to choose the access of all the women in the world. Progress in legal protection and guarantees that allow us all to have the same rights has advanced in Latin America and the world thanks to millions of women lawyers who give their lives to promote an agenda that allows us to live free, safe, united , happy and without violence. The judicial fight for our rights is a living movement that is driven by the love of lawyers who will not rest until we stop having privileges when we all have the same rights around the world. We will continue to fight to make feminist justice a reality".
A message for all of you who support the same principles!
TOGETHER with the fighters at the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, claiming for a more feminist justice !
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