Welcome to another LEGALINKS member, Ms. Victoria Karypidou from Greece!

Welcome to another member of the LEGALINKS NETWORK, Ms.Victoria Karypidou, a lawyer from Greece!    

Ms. Victoria Karypidou has got a Bachelor Degree in Law from the University of Thrace and she has studied abroad, in the Netherlands, at the Radboud University of Nijmegen, where she became very interested in the field of European and International Law. 

She has worked in colaboration with different law firms in Greece, between Athens and Alexandroupolis, mainly in the field of civil law, with a focus on immigration and labour case-laws. She is very interested in theathre and dance performances. She is also a polyglot, as many of the LEGALINKS members, as she speaks Greek, English and German at a fluent level, but also Russian and Turkish at a basic level. 


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