Welcome to another LEGALINKS member, Ms. Dora Palic from Croatia!

 Welcome to another LEGALINKS member, Ms. Dora Palic from Croatia

She currently works as legal advisor for the Croatian Law Center, a non-governmental organization that has an important position in the non-governmental sector for legal advocacy for the protection of human rights and raising awareness of the political responsibility of all subjects of political life, as well as the initiation of accountability mechanisms.
Within the project "Legal Assistance and Capacity Building for Access to Territory and Asylum in Croatia", she had different tasks along which:
• providing initial legal assistance to potential asylum seekers;
• providing legal aid to asylum seekers, asylees and persons under subsidiary protection;
• providing legal aid to person who fled Ukraine and persons under temporary protection;
• analysing the access to the asylum system in Croatia;
• providing legal counselling to the unaccompanied children;
preparing weekly and monthly reports.


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