
The LEGALINKS Network: the "CTE" opportunities!

The Legalinks Network is a growing team of professionals from all over the world with a common mission, ensuring the right to defence to all those people that need it! It is also a space to seek for new opportunities for youngsters who are approaching for the first time the legal world!  Discover which kind of activities we propose to our audience, by watching at the following video:  Read more about us on our website:

Welcome to Mr. Alex Vescovi, an International Business Lawyer based in Italy and United Arab Emirates!

The  Legalinks Network  has the opportunity to look beyond our local communities and to meet virtually other worldwide communities.  Mr. Alex Vescovi is an International Business L awyer   based in Italy (Belgamo and Milan) and in the U.A.E. (Dubai). The Vescovi law firm offers a  tailor-made legal assistance in different areas: Private Law (civil, corporate, labour, inheritance, real estate, organisation and estate planning), Data Protection (privacy) Law, Environmental Law and International Law. He represents the Italian Industry & Commerce Office in the U.A.E. (IICUAE) . He is a Custodian and Sales Delegate, Mediator, Arbitrator for the ICC and DIFC-LCIA Arbitration Center in Dubai.  Learn more about his experience and activities at:

LIP, LEGALINKS Interview Phase together with Oana Dodu from Romania!

Ms. Oana Dodu is a colleague from Romania who jumped into the LEGALINKS Network's adventures without hesitating. She was the first member to join the LIP, LEGALINKS Interview Phase , sharing her academic and working experiences, areas of interests and expectations about the LEGALINKS future. She was recently working as a data protection officer in Poland for the Frontex European Border and Coast Guard Agency . Her interest for the EU Law was born at the university, as she has got a Bachelor Degree in Law in Romania and two different Master Degrees about EU affairs in France . Her collaboration with the Centre of Legal Resources in Romania allowed her to get experience in developing advocacy and policy campaigning efforts but also in coordinating strategic litigation efforts for vulnerable groups, such as people woth disabilities.  She is also very interested about the digital transition and the legal issues related to artificial intelligence.   

Welcome to another LEGALINKS member, Ms. Victoria Karypidou from Greece!

Welcome to another member of the LEGALINKS NETWORK , Ms.V ictoria Karypidou , a lawyer from Greece !     Ms. Victoria Karypidou has got a Bachelor Degree in Law from the University of Thrace and she has studied abroad, in the Netherlands, at the Radboud University of Nijmegen, where she became very interested in the field of European and International Law.  She has worked in colaboration with different law firms in Greece, between Athens and Alexandroupolis, mainly in the field of civil law, with a focus on immigration and labour case-laws. She is very interested in theathre and dance performances. She is also a polyglot, as many of the LEGALINKS members, as she speaks Greek, English and German at a fluent level, but also Russian and Turkish at a basic level. 

LIP: LEGALINKS Interview Phase,together with Vivi Paschalidou from Greece!

Ms. Vivi Paschalidou, a very active lawyer from Greece has joined the LEGALINKS Interview Phase bringing up her experience in the field of immigration and criminal law, as freelance and as lawyer of the Greek Council for Refugees. She promotes Equality and Guarantee of human rights. Everybody needs toreveibe legal assistance, when legal issues rise, with no discrimination. The Legalinks Network fights for human rights!

Welcome to another LEGALINKS member, Jehosheba Bennett!

Welcome to another member of the  LEGALINKS NETWORK ,  Ms.Jehosheba Bennett, a lawyer practising in Belgium!        The Legalinks Network has the opportunity to look beyond our local communities and to meet virtually other worldwide communities. Ms. Jehosheba Bennett is a lawyer working in Brussels with the law firm Jus Cogens , who has already gained experience in the field of civil and immigration law. She supports the Legalinks initiative and we are glad of benefitting of her presence within our team!

Welcome to another LEGALINKS member, Ms. Ana Almiñana from Spain !

Welcome to another member of the  LEGALINKS NETWORK , Ms. Ana Almiñana , lawyer and legal coach from Spain ! Our team increases every day more and our last collaborator counts on a brilliant and long career in Valencia at a local level and at national level all around Spain!  Her cooperation with the LEGALINKS NETWORK expands her teamwork also at the international level. She is the Director and Founder of the IURIS GANDIA ABOGADOS, a Multidisciplinary Law Firm with   with more than 12 years of experience in different legal fields.  She is also a Legal Coach, guiding young professionals who are willing to work as lawyers to start their businesses and to find new potential clients, through the ALMA (Audacity, Leadership, Mindset and Authority) Method!!